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Home & Linen Fine Mist Spray AMANDINE 275ml

Rp 133.500 Rp 150.000

275 mL

#KindtotheSkin #KindtotheWorld 


This Home & Linen Spray will freshen your fabric without staining. Contains Immunoblend™*which has antibacterial** properties. This spray helps to remove unpleasant odors on difficult-to-wash items and freshen up any room.

Use it on fabric, clothes, pillows, linen, curtains, sofa, yoga mats, bags, and shoes. 


*essential oils of Eucalyptus, Patchouli/Bergamot/Ylang/Vetiver/Sandalina/Amandine, Lavender, Tea Tree

**Tested in the accredited laboratory against E. coli


No added Sulfates, Parabens, and Silicones. 


How To Use: 

Spray on surfaces covered with fabric to remove and neutralize unpleasant odor.



Keep out of reach of children and infants. In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with running water.


Active Ingredients:

Odor Neutralizing Agent, Antibacterial Agent, Essential Oils, and Fragrance.


Home & Linen Spray memberikan kesegaran pada kain tanpa meninggalkan noda. Mengandung Immunoblend™* yang memiliki daya antibakteri**. Dapat membantu menghilangkan bau tidak sedap pada barang yang sulit dicuci dan menyegarkan ruangan.

Gunakan pada kain, pakaian, bantal, linen, gorden, sofa, matras yoga, tas, dan sepatu.


*minyak esential yang terdiri dari Eucalyptus, Patchouli/Bergamot/Ylang/Vetiver/Sandalina/Amandine, Lavender, Tea Tree

**Diuji di laboratorium terakreditasi terhadap E. coli


Tidak ada tambahan Sulfat, Paraben, dan Silikon.


Cara Penggunaan:

Semprotkan pada permukaan yang dilapisi kain untuk menghilangkan dan menetralisir bau tidak sedap.



Jauhkan dari jangkauan anak-anak dan bayi. Jika terkena mata, segera bilas dengan air mengalir.


Bahan aktif:

Agen Penetral Bau, Agen Antibakteri, Minyak Atsiri, dan Pewangi.

Amandine : KEMENKES RI PKD 20605320117

Return Policy:
Returns only apply max 2 days after the item is received. Please attach the unboxing video, photos, and send the package back to BE.
BE FAQ: https://www.thebotanicalessentials.com/faq
Any complaints received without video/photo will not be processed.

*This product is not available for abroad shipping

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Thoughtfully chosen Actives

An exquise gourmand blend of Almond and Vanilla that transforms an ordinary moment into an exceptional experience.

Immunoblend ™ (essential oils of Eucalyptus, Amandine, Lavender, Tea Tree): A blend of essential oils with antibacterial, antimicrobial and antifungal properties, proven to kill 99.9 % germs and bacteria, and has an aroma which generates positive energy.

Odor Neutralizer Agent: A plant-based odor neutralizing agent that showcases excellent odor-absorbing properties against a broad range of malodors.

No added Sulfates, Paraben and Silicones.


Odor Neutralizing Agent, Antibacterial Agent, Essential oils and Fragrance.

**Tested in the accredited laboratory against E. coli

How to Use

Spray on surfaces covered with fabric to remove and neutralize unpleasant odor.

Caution: Keep out of reach of children and infants. In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with running water.

Meet the match

Okay, we got some of your favorites. For a more wholesome sensory experience, It’s time to take it up a notch by pairing up your choices with these other products that we think you might love.

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